
The third iteration of CSM’s website. This time in React.


The majority of the development of the site is done in Sublime Text. The following packages are highly recommended to speed up development:


Dev Server

From the home directory, run yarn install. This should get you all the necessary dependencies.

Run yarn start to start the dev server, and visit [localhost:3000] in your browser.

File Structure

├── public
│   ├── img
├── src
│   ├── data
│   ├── labels
│   ├── img
│   ├── components
│   ├── pages
│   └── styles

Updating Text

To update the text on a specific page, visit the corresponding Label file in src/labels. Most items are stored as string literals, but some are raw JSX to allow formatting or links.

If you add a new section, make sure you update the corresponding JSX page.

Naming and Scoping

Labels are stored roughly hierarchically under the section in which they belong. Please respect the following naming conventions if possible:

Updating Application Dates/URL

Edit the URL found in data/urls.json to point to the new Google Form. Also edit the timestamps in data/dates.json to the new dates (make sure they’re in UTC).

Updating Bios and Images

Make the Google Drive folder containing image uploads publically available (hopefully we can migrate to something more reliable like S3 in the future).


Create a folder called csvs, which will be ignored by git. Download the bio spreadsheet into csvs/bios.csv. Running scripts/ should write JSON blobs into src/data/bios/mentors.json. The script should also specify the expected CSV schemas, which hopefully don’t change between semesters.


The script should generate an appropriate JSON file for exec as well. Images for exec members from sp19 and earlier are served locally, while those from newer semesters are served form Google Drive like any other mentor. To add a new semester’s exec team, import the generated JSON file in Team.tsx, modify the CURRENT_SEM and SEMESTERS variables, and add a case for it in the switch block in getOfficerTeamFromSemStr.


This site uses the Materialize design kit.

The site design is taken from the second iteration of CSM’s website, designed by Peter Lee, Katya Stukalova, Colby Guan, and James Jiang. Various other individuals have maintained it over the years, but their names are lost to history.

The site was redone in React by Jonathan Shi.